The bottom dock on mac is annoying? Today P&T IT BROTHER is here to teach you how to hide the bottom dock when it’s not in use. When in Fullscreen OSX Yosemite won't show the dock if “auto-hide-dock” is. I dod not have VLC on this Mac but all my app including Chrome hide the dock when in FS. In all previous version dock, it will hide if I enter in full screen mode for VLC player or for chrome.
How to hide a specific active app on OS X (has to be reversible)? Ask Question. Is there a way to hide the application window and the dock icon of one specific active app in OS X? Kinda like a background service that can be turned on or off. If you choose to hide it this way, it will reappear back if you hover over the region that you have your Dock placed with the mouse cursor. If you hit Command+Option+D it will automatically hide or show the Dock in Mac OS X. How to Hide and Show the Dock with a Keyboard Shortcut.